Cloud migration project?
The differences between private and public cloud computing.
Unlike the public cloud, which provides infrastructure shared by multiple companies, in the private cloud you benefit from dedicated resources. In addition to benefiting from guaranteed performance, the company has direct control over the environment.
It is possible to combine a public and private cloud infrastructure and create a hybrid environment to meet business requirements and enjoy the benefits of both platforms efficiently and exponentially.
It is important to properly assess medium- and long-term infrastructure needs and understand cloud products in order to allow the company to take advantage of real benefits, as well as ensure the success of the project and the users’ experience.
MS Azure, Teams and Office 365
Our Office 365 and Azure Certified Experts will help your technical staff choose the Azure and Office 365 products that are right for your business, as well as the optimal installation type.
Information security is important, your business depends on it! Don’t be dependent on the public cloud (Azure, Amazon, Google) only. You must protect and have access to your information. It is essential to set up independent backup products.
Data hosting and Connectivity
Team Microfix has extensive experience in data center hosting services (private cloud and collocation).
We partner with data centers that offer the safest certifications in the industry, especially for the sensitive needs of the financial sector and those that do not tolerate any compromises in safety.

In addition, Team Microfix can provide you with dedicated and secure fiber optic connectivity circuits to connect your offices directly with our data centers.
If you need these services, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Migration service to cloud computing
Migration to the public cloud is a process we have mastered. We organize migration in structured stages, without loss of information and productivity, regardless of your current infrastructure.
Cloud computing migration steps
The process below outlines the steps that must be followed rigorously.
- Evaluation and choice of infrastructure
- Written migration planning
- Preparing the environment
- Management of current platforms
- Structure of current data
- Post-migration training
- Performance Impact Management
- GO-Live in parallel without loss of productivity
- Backup strategy
- Documentation of the configuration